

Friday, December 18, 2015

"There's someone upstairs."

Alternate title: How to Freak out your Wife in 5 Words or Less

The other night, Tim went over to the bottom of the stairs while we were watching Parks and Rec. He asked me if I heard a noise and I said it was probably just the washing machine. 

"That's not the mashing machine. There's someone up there. Come up with me."

Of course, I said no. Why would I go up if someone was there? Walk towards the danger? That's what they do in scary movies. 

Then, I heard it. Someone was definitely up there. My heart was racing and Tim kept insisting that I come with them. 

"Is this a joke? Because I'm freaking out now. You better tell me if this is a joke."

He finally admitted that he knew something I didn't know and I followed him upstairs, where we found his sister  cleaning the bathroom! What a relief! She had dropped something off earlier and then pretended to leave. Sneaky, sneaky. 

I have been so blessed in the in-law department. She and another sister had coordinated this so that I wouldn't have to worry about getting the house ready before Tim's parents arrive for Christmas. A pregnant woman's dream. No, any woman's dream.  

So, I got to go off to my book club and enjoy myself while Anna and Tim finished taking care of the rest of the house. What a treat! 

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