

Friday, May 13, 2016

Three Months

12 May 2016

Dear Daughters,

Three months old! It's hard to believe that you're getting so big. You are both much more alert now. You love to stare at the ceiling. Nobody understands why. You are also starting to smile. It's the best! You even have little dimples now. 

We are excited that you are spitting up less. You still get us good on occasion though. This morning E spit up on Dad right before he had to leave for work. He changed his shirt and then you spit up on him again! So, he had to change one more time before going to work. I was laughing so hard.

Today your Grandma Jones brought over your beautiful baby quilts. She has been working on them for months. She worked on the hand stitching part over time while watching you as I took some short naps. And what did you do to thank her? Well, L had a diaper ‘blowout’ that got all over Grandma’s pants. She had to wear my clothes while hers dried outside. 

You are starting to sleep for longer amounts of time at night. Dad and I could not be more ecstatic about this! We love taking care of you, but we also like to sleep. :)

You two really are so amazing. I just love you so much. You are so sweet. I can't get enough of cuddling with you. I know that's something that I will miss a lot when you're older. 

Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. Glad they are sleeping more. They are SOOO CUTE! Enjoy the moment. Before you know it - they will be in school - out of school - out of the house - and you will miss them so much.
    The quilts are really nice. Not something I do - but my mom has done a LOT of quilting - so I know the work that goes into them.
    Can't get over how cute they are - but still doing the baby things - like up-chuck and blow outs. Oh well. The blow out thing will go on for a time - but - at least I'm sure you are not using cloth diapers - as in days past - plus - the automatic washers make things so much easier.
    As for the bills - fight with your insurance company - and don't be afraid to negotiate with hospitals and doctors. I had to do that when my husband had so many medical bills. It helped.
    Always know of my love for you - and Tim. It was special to see you two get married - go through your first pregnancy - and now - to realize the blessings of a little family.
    Love you! Judy
