

Monday, February 8, 2016

Staying Sane

Today, I am 32 weeks pregnant! Woot! Not only is this a big milestone week as far as reduced labor complications go, but it also marks making it through eight weeks on bed rest.  There is a light at the end of this tunnel (right before I enter the next tunnel: figuring out how to raise twins).  I've so got this!

Enjoying standing up for a brief moment.

There are a few things that are helping me keep my sanity:

1. My mini "kitchen"

How can a mini fridge and microwave keep me sane? Easy-a pregnant girl's gotta eat! Also, one of the toughest parts of starting bed rest was losing my sense of independence.  This helped me to gain a little bit of that back-as long as my husband keeps it well stocked (which he does).

2. Entertainment

At the foot of my bed are reading materials and a laptop.  Before being confined to my bed, we didn't subscribe to any streaming websites.  Now, I have an account on Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Amazon Prime.  Even though I have access to so many shows and movies now, I try to keep my TV time limited (some days I'm better than others).  I get a much better sense of accomplishment when I finish a book than I do when I finish a show. 

3. Getting Dressed

Visitors are often surprised to find that I'm not in pajamas.  I've found that getting dressed is one of the biggest things that helps me have a great day.  There is a noticeable change for the good when I make this small step.  I'm a little worried about this because I am my husband is having a hard time finding clothes that still fit me at this point (don't even get him started on women's clothing).

4. Letting some things go

While I am showcasing my room, I'll let you see the other side of my bed.  It, too, is a big mess.  It took some time, but I've finally accepted that it's going to be a while before my room returns to its former state of being well-organized and roomy.  When you move everything you need into one room, it's just going to look a little different.

5. Projects

I've been working on a few things to keep my hands busy:

-Knitting Hats: I'm still terrified by the idea of knitting needles, but I did take on the knitting loom.  I still have a few weeks left in bed, so we'll see if I get brave enough for needles.

-Coloring: My first page of an adult coloring book was a frustrating disaster.  Luckily, I turned the page and now I find it to be quite enjoyable.

-Brushing up on Spanish: I've been using my Duolingo app and it's amazing how much my mind is starting to remember from high school

-Family History: In addition to indexing, I've been working on typing up my Grandma Pell's life stories.  I took on this project as a gift for my mom, but it has turned out to be a gift for myself as well.  I love learning more about my family.

-Helping my new friend: My sister has been creating art prints for her friend, who recently launched Smarty Skirts Box. I volunteered my idle hands to help with a little project and made a new friend in the process. I'm not sure that I can reveal who is featured in February's box, but I will say that I'm a pro at making nurse caps now.

6. Knowing Awesome People

This has definitely been the thing that has helped me most of all. I'm so grateful for all the people who have taken the time to call, text, or visit me.  Plus, those who bring me food, take me to the doctor, clean the house, play games with me, and paint the nursery.  I could go on and on about this, but I'll just say that I am so blessed-especially when it comes to my husband.  He's my hero.

7. Keeping my focus on the end goal

I'm doing all this for my two daughters.  And they're so worth it.  They're both doing great, by the way.  One of my new best friends is the ultrasound tech.  She just goes on and on about how awesome and perfect my little girls are.  I'm a little bummed that I don't have to get a weekly ultrasound anymore-I'm going to miss seeing their favorite cheer leader on a regular basis.  I wish I had some ultrasound pics to share, but they're too squished now to get any good shots. Oh well.


  1. Love this. 'thanks for letting me read it :-)

  2. When you have your babies, I can help you make a birth announcement if you want (or you can use a cute website, I don't mind either way)-and you should definitely send one to your ultrasound tech:)

  3. The hats are SO cute! It sounds like you are making great use of your "down time." Call or text if you need anything!
