

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Twins FAQs

All the answers to the questions you may have about our twins:

Do you know the genders?
Yes! We're having two girls!! Woot!

Are they identical or fraternal?
We don't know.  Our twins are di/di, which means that they are in two sacs and have two placentas.  Most di/di twins are fraternal; however, about 5% of them are identical.  This can happen if a single egg splits within three days of conception.  So, we'll just have to wait and see when they're born.

Do twins run in your family?
Nope.  My husband has twin sisters and a few other twins in his ancestry.

Were they conceived naturally or did you use fertility treatments?

P,S, A lot of moms are not comfortable with answering this question.  I don't really mind, but if you meet other twin moms in the future, you may want to just refrain from asking.

Do you have names picked out?
Nope.  We have a few options, but I don't really want to share until we know for sure.

When are they due?
My due date is April 6.  We'll see when they actually decide to come.  They already tried coming once, but I'm hoping that they'll hold off until March so they don't have to spend a long time in the NICU.

Are you going to have a C-Section?
This all depends on how the girls are facing as we get further along.

Are you planning on dressing them in matching clothes?
We probably will sometimes, but not all of the time.

How are the babies?
They're great.  They are on track with their growth.  The ultrasound technician told us that they have the most beautiful hearts she has ever seen and she could just stare at them all day.

How are you feeling?
I feel just fine.  Many people think that I'm sick since I'm in bed all day.  Nope. Not sick at all.  Just stuck.  As far as my emotional state, I'm doing pretty well, too.  I've had two rough days where I felt frustrated that I had to rely upon other people for the simplest tasks, but nothing too bad.

Can we see a picture?
Sure. You can see three. The babies are from 19 weeks. I've had several ultrasounds since then, but they can never get good pictures of the babies' faces.

28 Weeks
Picture taken on the way to the bathroom
(the only time I'm allowed to stand)